About Us
About Us
Kingdom Citizens Church International A family You might want to check out our credibility or you might be part of this spiritual home where identity leadership is restore for exploits.
Here you will find how you can connect and function in various ministries, but we recognize that the heart connection is most important. You are designed to function in a family as long us you are part of kingdom citizens while our leading leader of kingdom family is the Holy Spirit.
We are a spiritual house within the household of God. In this home, we have spiritual fathers that lead by example in being a display of the nature and character of our true Father. I am the father of this house, and together with many other mature fathers, we serve to watch over the souls of those in our family as his word says honor your spiritual leaders for they watch over your souls for ACCOUNTABILITY.
Revealing Christ, our Identity leader
Equipping people to influence the world with Christ identity
Identity Leadership
Soul Wining